BS Theatre

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Theatre and Dance
Concentration: Technical Theatre

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Departmental Preference:

ENGL 2322 British Literature
COMM 1315 or Foreign Language
MATH 1314 College Algebra (Non Calculus Track)
MATH 1316 Trigonometry


Required Courses for Major

Professional Programs: 


DANC 1228 Social/Ballroom
DANC *210 Tap (I, II or III)
DANC *241 Ballet (I. II, or III)
DANC *247 Jazz (I, II, or III)
DANC 2273 Improvisation
DANC 2301 Dance Composition
DANC 3380 Dance History
DANC 4310 Theatre Dance Forms
THEA 2101 Production
THEA 2101 Production
THEA 2101 Production
THEA 4101 Production
THEA 4101 Production
THEA 4101 Production
THEA 4101 Production
THEA 1330 Stagecraft
THEA 1351 Acting I
THEA 2371 Costume Construction
THEA 2375 Stage Makeup
THEA 3361 Theatre History
THEA 3380 Directing I

Total Hours: 42

Elective Courses

Technical Theatre Emphasis:

THEA 1320 Play Analysis
THEA 3320 Scenic Design
THEA 3330 Stage Lighting
THEA 4300 Theatre Management
THEA 4350 Costume Design
THEA 4380 Directing II
THEA 4332 Props Class
THEA 4371 Directed Theatre Activities
DANC or THEA elective
DANC or THEA elective

Total Hours: 30


